Agenda 1. Greeting and discussion of agenda 2. Review of Task Force Meeting Norms
We will treat each other with respect.
We will use our time wisely, starting and ending our meetings on time.
We will leave titles at the door. All task force members are equals.
3. Review of progress thus far 4. Discuss grades 9-12 variables for Question #2 - Susan will provide further explanation 5. Whole group discussion review of Question #3 (School Schedules & Structure) 6. Small group discussion involving Question #4 (Staff Wellness) 7. Whole group discussion review of Question #4 8. Discuss Google Team Drives. Break into newly-formed subcommittees 9. Action items 10. Closing thoughts
December 5, 2017
Agenda 1. Greeting and discussion of agenda 2. Whole group discussion of answers to our first two questions 3. Whole group discussion regarding thoughts since our last meeting
What conversations have resulted from your thoughts after the first meeting? (conversations with colleagues, friends, peers, family, etc.)
4. Small group Padlet exercise and discussion regarding questions three and four 5. Whole group discussion around answers/thoughts 6. Action items 7. Closing thoughts
November 7, 2017
Agenda 1. General introductions by group members. 2. Dr. Marsden will give an explanation of why the Task Force was created, and what we are trying to accomplish. 3. Dr. Marsden will speak to what we have achieved thus far, what we are doing in this area, and will review pieces of the Strategic Plan. 4. Susan will review and explain some specific results from the MWAHS, and examine the differences over the past ten years to date. 5. Dave will explain the specific focus for this year, and demonstrate how the progress will be communicated to the community. 6. Susan and Dave will explain and review Task Force ground rules: for example, solution focused conversations, possibility of more frequent sub-group meetings, meeting norms, etc. 7. Preselected, mixed groups will come together and come up with some preliminary ideas about the most important variables associated with our focus topics. We will provide groups with one general question regarding homework, testing schedules and school schedules, and one general question regarding staff health and wellness. 8. Final thoughts and schedule of next meeting: December 5th, 2017, at 3:30 in the Medfield High School LMC.